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SOM Footwear shoes can be resoled to extend the life of your favorite pair of SOM sneakers.
We can no longer resole shoes with Vibram soles.
When you can't see the tread lines because they have faded into the sole, you know you are ready for a resole.
Don't wait too long to get your pair resoled. If you start to see cracks forming, let us know.
If you can still see the tread lines, your shoes could go a little longer before needed a resole.
Please wash your shoes before sending them.


Regular price $ 35.00 Sale

Put a fresh pair of soles on your SOMs!

Have your SOMs been worn down? Extend the life of your SOMs by replacing their soles. (First thing, first: send us pictures via email for approval)

We offer resoling for all models with SOM branded soles ("SOM" letters on the bottom). This includes new replacement inserts. Resoling works best when the tread is worn (faded) on the soles but before there are any holes.

To learn when your soles are ready, and what to do when they are, visit our Resoling page.

Please send us pictures of your SOMs' soles to so we can confirm your SOMs are ready for new soles.

Once ordered, please send your washed* SOMs to:
Resoling - SOM Footwear
1006 N. Cascade Ave Unit C
Montrose, CO 81401.

You are responsible for shipping costs to send to SOM Footwear.

Please note: new inserts and laces are included with resoling.

Shipping cost with your resole order will be $12. If you have a pair ready to be resoled at the time of your next new shoe purchase, we can hold onto your new pair until the resoling is finished and then ship both the new and resoled pairs back to you in one box to save you on shipping.


*Washing your SOMs

Simply toss your shoes in the washing machine in the normal setting with cold water and gentle soap. Let them dry in the shade (avoid direct heat).


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